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Highway congestion was once the crux of vehicle frustration, 但是今天, our biggest transportation challenge is a whole lot closer: the curb.




Highway congestion was once the crux of vehicle frustration, 但是今天, our biggest transportation challenge is a whole lot closer: the curb. Some experts think that the future of cities depends on curbside management. Those who agree see the curbside as an opportunity to finally understand and potentially monetize it. But what exactly is the curbside and why is it so important?



在路边管理的背景下, the curb is the shared transitional space between the roadway and the sidewalk. 传统上, 路边已被用作街边停车, 加载, 接送乘客, but a new influx of users are taking claim to the space now. 对优步和Lyft等跨国公司的围攻, 以及像亚马逊这样的电子商务公司, have been so disruptive to the curbside that proper designation and curbside management is more critical than ever. 对于驾车的人来说,路边通道的需求量很大, 骑自行车的人, 出租车, 汽车教练, 运载工具, 跨国公司, 交通运营商, 还有其他一些用户. 然而, municipalities are not easily able to access information about curbside regulations, nor do they have a strategy for how to manage and prioritize curbside uses. These remain the primary blockades for proper curbside management.



虽然市政当局通常有总体策略, it is difficult to objectively manage the curbside without some kind of formal strategy that stakeholders and users can understand, 即使他们不同意. 截至2018年, only three formal Curbside Management Strategies have been completed in North America- one of which IBI Group 做出了贡献 以多伦多市为例进行研究.

The strategy outlined the five most common and essential curb functions that could be classified into different categories. All of these play an important role in the curbside management strategy:

  • 运动;
  • 商业准入;
  • 为人们提供通道;
  • Parking; and
  • 激活.

取决于他们的背景, streets serve many different roles and functions that vary with the time of day, 周, 或一年. 大意是, five distinct corridor types were identified in this strategy: surface transit priority, 骑自行车, 动脉, 多用途的访问, 和混合用途的主街.

Each corridor type was examined, and their associated curbside functions were ranked. These rankings were based on information such as: field observations, 利益相关方参与, 最佳实践, 以及对市政府文件的审查, including the Official Plan and Complete 街道 Guidelines.

有了这些信息, downtown Toronto streets now had a system by which to determine what kinds of uses should be prioritized relative to other uses on each of the roadway classifications. 有了这个策略, Toronto can now look at existing or future corridors and try to achieve these hierarchies as they see fit.



那么,路边的未来会带来什么呢? For one, more data and understanding of curbside assets, particularly as they apply to Smart Cities. Other items include visual representation of the curbside permissions such as maps that show real-time information about where you can park or load. The future of the curbside could also lead to potential monetization of curbside elements, 实时需求监控, and dynamic usage policies that vary by time of day or demand. As the transportation industry continues to be disrupted at an ever increasing pace (hello, e-scooters), 城市不仅需要快速适应, 但他们需要为接下来发生的事情做好准备.


写的 彼得·理查兹

Director | Senior Practice Lead, 运输 工程